[OpenSIPS-Users] OpenSIPs CP MDB2 and xmlrpc Errors

Sajjad Ali Mushtaq alisajjad_mushtaq at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 20 18:46:18 CET 2009

i am novice opensips user
I am using OpenSIPs 1.6.0 with OpenSIPs-CP

In  Installation went fine but when i edit an entry in
load balancer module it gives an error "" Failed to issue query, error
message: MDB2 error: syntax error

In the OpenSIPs.cfg file 
xmlrpc module is loaded  as 
loadmodule "mi_xmlrpc.so"  
modparam("mi_xmlrpc", "log_file", "/var/log/abyss.log")
modparam("mi_xmlrpc", "reply_option", 0)
modparam("mi_xmlrpc", "buffer_size", 8192)

and i have checked the syslog file and there is some info about mi_xmlrpc module as

"""  Nov 20 18:17:58 ali-ub-910-1-e-desktop ./sbin/opensips[2703]: INFO:mi_xmlrpc:xmlrpc_process: starting xmlrpc server  """

but when i run the command
netstat -tal

there is nothing running on port 8080

Additionally when i access the Domain Link the error then is 

"" Fatal error: Call to undefined method MDB2_Error::setFetchMode() in /var/www/opensips-cp/web/tools/domains/lib/db_connect.php on line 16 ""

and the lin 16 in the file is ""  $link->setFetchMode(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);  ""

when i try to access statistics monitor the error
then is ""  Failed to issue query, error message : MDB2 Error: no such
table ""

please guide me to resolve the problem

thanks in advance for your help

Best Regards


Sajjad Ali Mushtaq

email:  alisajjad_mushtaq at yahoo.com

Mobile: 0033667961001

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