[OpenSIPS-Users] Cleanup acc & mediaproxy when dialog bye_on_timeout triggers

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Mon Nov 16 23:03:42 CET 2009

On 15 Nov 2009, at 21:31, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:

>> The other problem is how to end the media proxy session. The  
>> transaction flags set for the Invite are
>> not visible in the local_route block when it is handling the  
>> internally generated BYE's so I cannot
>> try the normal checks that would be used in the main route block  
>> for BYE. Perhaps I should just call
>> end_media_session(), but will it even work from local_route? If I  
>> change my script to start using
>> engage_media_proxy() will I lose the flexibility of being able to  
>> check which calls need media proxy
>> and which don't? I don't want them all using it - only those with  
>> far-end NAT.
> Shouldn't the media proxy automatically stop when the dialog is
> destroyed ? if you use the enagage_mediaproxy(), I think you do not  
> have
> to explicitly terminate the relay session as the this op will be done
> based on the "dialog destroyed" event.

When using engage_media_proxy() the media session will terminated  
automatically when the dialog ends. However if I understand it right,  
his problem is that when using use_media_proxy and end_media_session  
he has to do that manually and the local_route is triggered twice  
(once for each BYE). Now calling end_media_session twice, should do no  
harm, but it'll log an error since it will not find the session the  
second time.


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