[OpenSIPS-Users] 404 Not Here error

Brett Nemeroff brett at nemeroff.com
Tue Jul 28 17:56:42 CEST 2009

All,I was reading the thread regarding the uac_replace_from issues Jeff
brought up and was thinking my issue may be similar.

I have a carrier who sends me BYE messages with a RURI that does NOT match
the Contact header in the 200 OK. Of course, OpenSIPs replies with a 404 Not

The last message in Jeff's question regarding uac_replace_from suggested
that the dialog module could be used to help identify the replies properly.
I already use the dialog module in my flows, but I'm unsure how it would
help with this particular problem (or if it would). Any ideas? Or am I just
dealing with a broken UA on the other side?

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