[OpenSIPS-Users] [XCAP] What does EyeBeam use XCAP for?

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Thu Jul 9 15:33:20 CEST 2009

2009/7/9 Adrian Georgescu <ag at ag-projects.com>:
>> This is really sad!
> Do not worry. An alternative is on the way....

Hummmm, where??? :)

I'm starting rigth now with XCAP and it's a pain due to the lack of
good client implementations. I'm really thinking about creating my own
implementation (some script to publish, get and modify XCAP data
following the RFC's...).

Do I miss something? :)

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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