[OpenSIPS-Users] how to handle "300 Multiple Choices"

Zahid Mehmood zm23 at columbia.edu
Wed Jul 8 16:54:50 CEST 2009

   I need some guidence in handling a "300 Multiple Choices" from my
media gateway (Cisco).  

The scenario is as follows:

1. phone1 --> media gateway --> opensips proxy --> phone2 (answered)

phone2 needs to transfer the call to  phone3

2. phone2 --> opensips --> media gateway --> phone3 (answered)

phone2 attempts to complete the transfer.  

3. phone2 -- (invite with replaces hrd) --> opensips --> media gateway

4. Media gateway -- (300 multiple choice) -- opensips --> phone2

Phone2 just acks that message and thats the end of it.

I have three questions:

1. what would the best approach to handle this scenario?  
   One way, I think, is for opensips to act on the "300" message and
initiate a new invite.  Is there a better / preferred way of dealing
with this?

2. What would be the best way to capture the information for multi-leg

3. Should media gateway be acting differently instead of sending a "300"

Thanks in advance for your help.



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