[OpenSIPS-Users] Can OpenXCAP run on Debina Lenny? (I get an error)

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Tue Jul 7 23:17:59 CEST 2009

Hi, I'm trying to run OpenXCAP in Debian Lenny 64 bits. Due to dependency 
version requeriments I had to install two Python libraries from 
Debian Sid, but they were installed succesfully.

However, when I start OpenXCAP I get the following error:

Jul  7 23:03:55 myserver openxcap[2657]: Log opened.
Jul  7 23:03:55 myserver openxcap[2657]: Starting OpenXCAP 1.1.0
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error: Traceback (most recent call last):
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:   File "/usr/bin/openxcap", line 55, in <module>
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:     from xcap.server import XCAPServer
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/xcap/server.py", line 17, in <module>
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:     from xcap import authentication
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/xcap/authentication.py", line 22, in <module>
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:     from xcap.appusage import getApplicationForURI, namespaces
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/xcap/appusage/__init__.py", line 54, in <module>
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:     configuration.read_settings('Server', ServerConfig)
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/xcap/config.py", line 108, in read_settings
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:     setattr(cls, prop, value)
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/application/configuration/__init__.py", line 70, in __setattr__
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:     cls.__settings__[attr].__set__(None, value)
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/application/configuration/__init__.py", line 29, in __set__
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:     value = self.type(value)
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:   File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.5/xcap/appusage/__init__.py", line 37, in __new__
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error:     value = value.lower()
Jul  7 23:03:56 myserver openxcap[2657]: error: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'lower'

I've installed OpenXCAP via "apt" by following instructions in

The doc says:

OpenXCAP has been tested on Debian unstable with the following software 

libxml2: 2.6.32.dfsg-2 
python: 2.5.2-1 
python-application: 1.1.0 
python-gnutls: 1.1.8 
python-lxml: 2.0.7-1 
python-sqlobject: 0.10.1-1 
python-twisted-core: 8.0.1-1 
python-twisted-web: 8.0.0-1 
python-twisted-web2: 8.0.1-1 
python-zopeinterface: 3.3.1-6

All those packages have a greater version in Debian Lenny so
I don't see issues with it.

These are my Python related installed packages:

ii  python                                                  2.5.2-3                
ii  python-application                                      1.1.2                  
ii  python-central                                          0.6.8                  
ii  python-codespeak-lib                                    0.9.1-3                
ii  python-crypto                                           2.0.1+dfsg1-2.3+lenny0 
ii  python-dns                                              2.3.3-2                
ii  python-dnspython                                        1.6.0-1.1              
ii  python-docutils                                         0.5-2                  
ii  python-elementtree                                      1.2.6-12               
ii  python-eventlet                                         0.8.10                 
ii  python-formencode                                       1.0.1-1                
ii  python-fpconst                                          0.7.2-4                
ii  python-gnutls                                           1.1.8-1                
ii  python-lxml                                             2.1.1-2.1              
ii  python-minimal                                          2.5.2-3                
ii  python-msrplib                                          0.10.0                 
ii  python-mysqldb                                          1.2.2-7                
ii  python-openssl                                          0.7-2                  
ii  python-pam                                              0.4.2-12               
ii  python-pkg-resources                                    0.6c8-4                
ii  python-pyopenssl                                        0.7-2                  
ii  python-roman                                            0.5-2                  
ii  python-serial                                           2.3-1                  
ii  python-sipsimple                                        0.9.0                  
ii  python-soappy                                           0.12.0-4               
ii  python-sqlobject                                        0.10.4                 
ii  python-support                                          1.0.3                  
ii  python-twisted-bin                                      8.1.0-4                
ii  python-twisted-conch                                    1:8.1.0-1              
ii  python-twisted-core                                     8.1.0-4                
ii  python-twisted-names                                    8.1.0-1                
ii  python-twisted-web                                      8.1.0-1                
ii  python-twisted-web2                                     8.1.0-1                
ii  python-xcaplib                                          1.0.9                  
ii  python-xml                                              0.8.4-10.1             
ii  python-zopeinterface                                    3.3.1-7                
ii  python2.4                                               2.4.6-1                
ii  python2.4-dev                                           2.4.6-1                
ii  python2.4-minimal                                       2.4.6-1                
ii  python2.5                                               2.5.2-15               
ii  python2.5-minimal                                       2.5.2-15 

Any help please? Thanks a lot.

Iñaki Baz Castillo <ibc at aliax.net>

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