[OpenSIPS-Users] 408 Timeout with X-Lite

Uwe Kastens kiste at kiste.org
Thu Jul 2 10:13:17 CEST 2009


Which version of opensips you are testing with? Have you enabled multi
domain support for register, urloc etc.pp.? Maybe you can post the head
of your config.



Gordon Ross schrieb:
> Starting with an empty DB, I created a domain and I created a subscriber in
> OpenSIPS.
> # opensipsctl domain add blah
> # opensipsctl add 2345 at blah 1234
> Looking at the database, the user & domain are in the tables.
> Firing up X-Lite, I put the following in as the SIP account details:
> Display Name: Gordon
> User name: 2345
> Password: 1234
> Authorisation user name:
> Domain: blah
> X-Lite comes back with a "408 - Request Timeout" message.
> Doing a tcpdump shows a batch of REGISTER packets. After a while, the server
> responds with "408 Request Timeout" packets.
> Messages then starts getting:
> /usr/local/sbin/opensips[14893]: ERROR:registrar:update_contacts: invalid
> cseq for aor <2345>
> Doing a google, it seems that this problem appears when there is already an
> entry in the locations table. But when I first start up OpenSIPS & XLite,
> the locations table is empty !
> After XLite it started, I do get entries in the locations table. One strange
> thing is that the domain column is blank. (But there are entries in most of
> the other columns)
> Can someone enlighten me as to the stupid mistake I'm making ?
> Thanks,
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kiste lat: 54.322684, lon: 10.13586

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