[OpenSIPS-Users] Regarding opensipsctl error

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at voice-system.ro
Fri Feb 20 18:35:25 CET 2009

Hi Ranga,

are you sure it is not a configuration option? because the opensipsctl 
file the same in both TLS and non-TLS packages....

What is the error you get (do copy paste) for  "opensipsctl domain add"  ?

Thanks and regards,

Ranganath B wrote:
> Hi Bogdan,
> I tried installing the opensips-tls version and this time edited the
> opensips.cfg file but got into the same issue. Looks like there are
> few differences between the opensipsctl files packaged with tls and
> no-tls versions as I could not find the command to add domain
> ("opensipsctl domain add") in the tls version of opensips.
> Regards,
> Ranga
> On 2/19/09, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at voice-system.ro> wrote:
>> Hi Ranga,
>> That is rather strange, as both packages have the same opensipsctl
>> script. Maybe what you needed was a fresh re-install after all.
>> Nevertheless, in the TLS package, use "disable_tls=yes" in your
>> opensips.cfg if you do not want to use it.
>> Regards,
>> Bogdan
>> Ranganath B wrote:
>>> Hi Bogdan,
>>> Finally I was able to solve the issue by downloading and installing
>>> the no-tls version which is "opensips-1.4.4-notls_src.tar.gz" from
>>> opensips.org <http://opensips.org> website. So I feel that scripts
>>> located or packaged with "opensips-1.4.4-tls_src.tar.gz" might still
>>> have issues. Also I would like to admit that I wanted the no-tls
>>> version currently but in future we may need tls version too. Are there
>>> any changes w.r.t to opensipsctl and other such scripts between tls
>>> version and no-tls version?
>>> Regards,
>>> Ranga
>>> On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 8:29 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>> <bogdan at voice-system.ro <mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro>> wrote:
>>>     When setting the  "DBENGINE=MYSQL ", what is the output on
>>>     opensipsctl ?
>>>     Regards,
>>>     Bogdan
>>>     Ranganath B wrote:
>>>         Hi Bogdan,
>>>         I have already configured the DBENGINE=MYSQL in the opensipsctlrc
>>>         file. Not sure why these parameters are not being read from
>>>         that file?
>>>         Any pointers?
>>>         Regards,
>>>         Ranga
>>>         On 2/18/09, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at voice-system.ro
>>>         <mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro>> wrote:
>>>             Hi Ranga,
>>>             You must not force manually the DBENGINELOADED !! you have
>>>             to set
>>>             DBENGINE=MYSQL in the opensipsctlrc file.
>>>             Regards,
>>>             Bogdan
>>>             Ranganath B wrote:
>>>                 Hi Bogdan,
>>>                 I am using MySQL as the backend DB and I am trying to
>>>                 run the
>>>                 following commands:
>>>                 1) /usr/local/sbin/opensipsctl domain add
>>>                 "opensips.net <http://opensips.net>
>>>                 <http://opensips.net>" - To add domain. Also I found
>>>                 that adding
>>>                 domain command does not exist anymore.
>>>                 2) /usr/local/sbin/opensipsctl add alice alice - To
>>>                 add subscriber
>>>                 "alice" with password "alice"
>>>                 But previous to the below mentioned errors I was
>>>                 getting another error
>>>                 saying that the DBENGINELOADED cannot be read so I did
>>>                 a hardcode in
>>>                 the opensipsctl file with "DBENGINELOADED=1".
>>>                 Please correct me if I am doing something wrong.
>>>                 Regards,
>>>                 Ranga
>>>                 On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:26 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>                 <bogdan at voice-system.ro
>>>                 <mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro>
>>>                 <mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro
>>>                 <mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro>>> wrote:
>>>                    Hi Ranga,
>>>                    What DB backend are you using ? MySQL.? Postgres?
>>>                    Also, what is the exact command you are running?
>>>                    Regard,
>>>                    Bogdan
>>>                    Ranganath B wrote:
>>>                           Hi,
>>>                           I installed the opensips version 1.4.4 and
>>>                 when I try to add
>>>                           subscribers or domain in the database I get
>>>                 the following error
>>>                           messages respectively:
>>>                           /usr/local/sbin/opensipsctl: line 197:
>>>                 select count(*) from
>>>                           subscriber where username='alice' and
>>>                 domain='opensips.net <http://opensips.net>
>>>                        <http://opensips.net>
>>>                           <http://opensips.net>';: command not found
>>>                           INFO: user 'alice' already exists
>>>                           /usr/local/sbin/opensipsctl: line 215:
>>>                 select count(*) from
>>>                        domain
>>>                           where domain='opensips.net
>>>                 <http://opensips.net> <http://opensips.net>
>>>                        <http://opensips.net>';: command not found
>>>                           INFO: opensips.net <http://opensips.net>
>>>                 <http://opensips.net>
>>>                        <http://opensips.net> already in domain table
>>>                           I am not able to proceed with the testing,
>>>                 kindly help me in
>>>                           resolving the issue with opensips.
>>>                           For your kind reference I have attached the
>>>                 opensipsctl
>>>                        file too.
>>>                           Thanks in advance,
>>>                           Ranga
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