[OpenSIPS-Users] Help errors on opensips 1.4.4

bay2x1 rod at racequeen.ph
Wed Feb 18 00:46:45 CET 2009

I have have manage to install opensips and including cdrtool, freeradius, and
mediaproxy.  I am encountering problems.  Below is the error log. any
information would be highly appreciated... thanx...

Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4048]: Checking user quotas for data source
OpenSIPS Proxy/Registrar
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4048]: Using database queries to block accounts
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4048]: Normalize lock id 88 aquired for
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4048]: Init quota of data source
opensips_radius for all accounts
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4048]: Database error: Invalid SQL: select
UserName,#012        count(*) as calls,#012        sum(AcctSessionTime) as
duration,#012        sum(Price) as cost,#012        sum(AcctInputOctets +
AcctOutputOctets)/2 as traffic#012        from radacct#012        where
AcctStartTime >= '2009-02-01 00:00'#012        and Normalized = '1'#012       
#012        #012        group by UserName#012
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4048]: 58
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4048]: Unlock opensips_radius:radacct
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4050]: Normalize datasource opensips_radius,
database DB_radius, table radacct
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4050]: Normalize lock id 90 aquired for
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4050]: Database error: Invalid SQL: select *,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(AcctStartTime) as timestamp#012        from radacct where 
(1=1)  and  Normalized = '0' and AcctStopTime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00'  and
(ConnectInfo_stop is not NULL or MediaInfo is NULL or MediaInfo != '' or
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4050]: 58
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 cdrtool[4050]: Unlock opensips_radius:radacct
Feb 17 08:40:02 ws16 media-dispatcher[3306]:
[ManagementControlProtocol,9,] Connection to Management interface
client lost: Connection was closed cleanly. 
View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Help-errors-on-opensips-1.4.4-tp2343951p2343951.html
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