[OpenSIPS-Users] A2Billing Integration

Rafael RGV rafael.risco at gmail.com
Fri Feb 13 22:27:43 CET 2009

Hi Juan
Its not a horrible solution, actually we are using both, Opensips and
Asterisk (with a2billing AGI) in a heavy production environment for pre/post
wholesale billing and I can control almost everything from a2billing admin

Try this procedure:

You can use a mysql VIEW for 'opensips subscriber table' from 'a2billing
user table' to facilitate opensips users provisioning from a2billing
admin/user web interfaces.

For example, Sip proxy Opensips IP: 192.1689.12.254
A2billing DB: a2billing
A2billing subscriber table: cc_card

In mysql console:

USE opensips;

CREATE VIEW opensips.subscriber_v1 AS
SELECT id AS id,
useralias AS username,
'' AS domain,
userpass AS password,
email AS email_address,
md5(concat(useralias,' : ','',' : ',userpass)) AS ha1,
md5(concat(useralias,'@','',' : ','',' :
',userpass)) AS ha1b,
useralias AS rpid from a2billing.cc_card WHERE tariff=2;

INSERT INTO version (table_name,table_version) VALUES ('subscriber_v1','6');

Then in your opensips config file note that you have to indicate the new
table 'subscriber_v1' as follows:

# Tablas 'uri' y tabla 'subscriber'
loadmodule "uri_db.so"
modparam("uri_db", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:******@
modparam("uri_db", "db_table", "subscriber_v1")
# Request route 'base-route-REGISTER'
    sl_send_reply("100", "Trying");
    if(!www_authorize("", "subscriber_v1"))
    # Nota: tabla 'subscriber_v1' es un VIEW de mya2billing.cc_card
        # xlog("L_INFO", "Register authentication failed - M=$rm RURI=$ru
F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci UA=$ua \n");
        xlog("L_INFO", "Register authentication failed - F=$fu IP=$si UA=$ua
        www_challenge("", "0");
    if(!check_to()) ...
# Request route 'base-route-INVITE'
    log(1," route[4]---> INVITE Message Handler \n");
    sl_send_reply("100", "Trying");
    if(from_gw())  ## verifica si la llamada viene de alguno de los GWs,
tabla 'lcr'
        xlog("L_INFO", "Call from PSTN - M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si
        if(allow_trusted())  ## Si la llamada no viene del GW, verifica si
el ip de origen esta en la tabla 'trusted'
            xlog("L_INFO", "Call from trusted peer - M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu
T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n");
                xlog("L_INFO", "Rejecting peering attempt with non-local
request domain - M=$rm RURI=$ru F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci\n");
                sl_send_reply("403", "Relaying Denied");
        else ## => Si no viene del GW o de algun UA en 'trusted' entonces la
llamada se origina en el sip server y debe autenticarse:
            if(!proxy_authorize("", "subscriber_v1"))
                xlog("L_INFO", "Proxy authentication failed - M=$rm RURI=$ru
F=$fu T=$tu IP=$si ID=$ci UA=$ua \n\n");
                proxy_challenge("", "0");

Good luck!

PS: I also want to know why some people think its a horrible solution... I
think its the best.

On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:21 AM, Juan Asencio <juan at asencio.dk> wrote:

> Hi Raúl and list,
> Could anyone explain a little bit, why the OpenSIPS+Asterisk+A2Billing
> would be a horrible solution?
> I'm new at this and I would like to learn and understand what kind of
> problems could arise from such a solution.
> Regards,
> Juan.-
> > El Lunes, 9 de Febrero de 2009 18:41, Gonzalo Gonzalez escribió:
> >> May be I am not explaining myself right, but read this post:
> >>
> >> http://forum.asterisk2billing.org/viewtopic.php?t=2456
> >>
> >> I know people use the same database using database views.
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> Gonzalo
> >
> > Please, reply to the list, not to me directly.
> >
> > Talking about the issue .. that thread only said that you could use the
> > same
> > DB throught views to have the same users on OpenSIPS and on Asterisk,
> > anything more.
> >
> > You could not do accounting/billing only with OpenSIPS and A2Billing,
> > that's
> > what I told you, you need OpenSIPS+Asterisk+A2Billing and IHMO that's a
> > horrible solution, with lot of problems on you future.
> >
> > Regards
> > --
> > Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
> > Dimensión Virtual
> >
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