[OpenSIPS-Users] CDRTool Issue

Brian Chamberlain brian at asterisk.ie
Thu Feb 12 15:23:30 CET 2009


My apologies I investigate further I see this is for debugging reasons  
I assume:

     Duration: 120 s
          App: audio
  Destination: 3531
     Customer: subscriber=1000 at sw1.dub.asterisk.ie
     Increment: 60 s
  Min duration: 300 s

My price is showing as 0 after renormalization. I have a rate for  
destination 3531, everything else seems fine. Any ideas?


On 12 Feb 2009, at 13:11, Brian Chamberlain wrote:

> Hi All,
> I have copied one of my radacct tables into radacct200807 to test my  
> billing and rates. It is a table from January. When I renormalise  
> for a day I don't get any errors for the customer that I have added,  
> I have them pointing at a correct profile which in turn points at  
> correct rates for the times of day. The records appear normalized  
> and rated however the rate is zero.
> If I look at the records the RATE field on each record seems to  
> contain incorrect data. It contains:
>  Duration: 120 s
>         App: audio
> Destinati...
> This record had a duration of 85s and I have set billing intervals  
> to one minute.
> How do I fix this?
> Thanks,
> Brian.
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