[OpenSIPS-Users] radius accounting

Peter Chamula chamula at acs.sk
Thu Feb 5 10:23:50 CET 2009


i am trying to set up opensips with freeradius accounting, opensips and
freeradius are on separate servers
freeradius is patched (at least i hope so, becouse there were some problems)

in opensips.conf i need to add some field for radius
modparam("acc", "radius_extra",       "User-Name=$Au; \
                                       Calling-Station-Id=$from; \
                                       Called-Station-Id=$to; \
                                       Sip-Translated-Request-URI=$ru; \
                                       Sip-RPid=$avp(s:rpid); \
                                       Source-IP=$avp(s:source_ip); \
                                       Source-Port=$avp(s:source_port); \
                                       SIP-Proxy-IP=$avp(s:sip_proxy_ip); \
                                       Canonical-URI=$avp(s:can_uri); \
                                       Billing-Party=$avp(billing_party); \
Divert-Reason=$avp(s:divert_reason); \
                                       User-Agent=$hdr(user-agent); \
                                       Contact=$hdr(contact); \
                                       Event=$hdr(event); \

with this i am getting errors

if i try something more simple
modparam("acc", "radius_extra","User-Name=$Au; Calling-Station-Id=$from;
Called-Station-Id=$to; Sip-Translated-Request-URI=$
works only with
modparam("acc", "radius_extra","User-Name=$Au; Calling-Station-Id=$from;

ERROR:acc:parse_acc_extra: parse failed in <User-Name=$Au;
Calling-Station-Id=$from; Called-Station-Id=$to;
Sip-Translated-Request-URI=$ru;> around position 95

so error must be in Sip-Translated-Request-URI
my radius client config is set to modparam("acc", "radius_config",

in this config dictionary points to dictionary     
here i included this

$INCLUDE        /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary.opensips
$INCLUDE        /usr/local/etc/radiusclient-ng/dictionary.mediaproxy

Sip-Translated-Request-URI is in dictionar.opensips

ATTRIBUTE Sip-Translated-Request-URI   107  string     # Proprietary, acc

please , can someone help me ?


Peter Chamula

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