[OpenSIPS-Users] CDRTool: How to disable quota completely?

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Sun Feb 1 14:37:42 CET 2009

Hi Ikar,

If your data source does not have UserQuotaClass defined, the scripts  
that check the quota are not performing any actions. This exclude the  
SELECT in the opensips.subscriber table so you do not need to add a  
quota column either.

Internally the cdrtool.quota_usage MySQL table is always updated  
during the the CDR normalization but this does not require any changes  
in OpenSIPS tables.

For my understanding, what do you want to gain by disabling these  
internal UPDATEs?


On Feb 1, 2009, at 1:21 PM, happy.neko wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to disable CDRTool's quota functionality completely including  
> SELECTs with quota column from subscriber table, UPDATEs during cdrs  
> normalization etc.
> How can I do this?
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Ikar _______________________________________________
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