[OpenSIPS-Users] mediaproxy and reinvites

Uwe Kastens kiste at kiste.org
Thu Apr 23 14:00:12 CEST 2009

Hello list,

sorry for the not very specific question, but I am trying to find out,
how to handle REINVITE with mediaproxy correctly.

If I have a call with T38 its common that UAs will start with a codec
ALAW/ULAW and changes later on to T38. My problem is, that this reinvite
is not correctly handled by mediaproxy, since the rtp IP is not modified.

If I will receive an INVITE without totag I will use
engage_media_proxy();. What is the correct way to handle the new rtp
session. End the current media_proxy_session and start a new one, or
should I engage another media_proxy_session?




kiste lat: 54.322684, lon: 10.13586

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