[OpenSIPS-Users] RtpRroxy sturtup (init.d) script for redhat

Romanov Vladimir VRomanov at yota.ru
Tue Apr 7 09:18:57 CEST 2009

Could you please add command line option to change syslog FACILITY? Now I simply modify this in source and recompile.

Vladimir Romanov
Scartel Star Lab
+7 (960) 239-0853

-----Original Message-----
From: Maxim Sobolev [mailto:sobomax at sippysoft.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 5:39 AM
To: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
Cc: Romanov Vladimir; Users at lists.opensips.org
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] RtpRroxy sturtup (init.d) script for redhat

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu wrote:
> Hi Vladimir,
> really nice, indeed - I did this manually all the time :)
> Maybe Maxim can integrate this directly in the RTPproxy project....

Yes, I will do it.

In fact we plan moving towards multi-threading design in the next 
release, which should make utilizing multi-core chips much easier.

Maksym Sobolyev
Sippy Software, Inc.
Internet Telephony (VoIP) Experts
T/F: +1-646-651-1110
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Skype: SippySoft

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