[OpenSIPS-Users] Broken Loose Routing?

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Thu Oct 30 16:40:41 CET 2008

2008/10/30 Brett Nemeroff <brett at nemeroff.com>:
> Ok, that makes a little more sense to me. However, OpenSIPs isn't relaying
> it to the public IP which is in the RURI of the BYE, it's sending it to the
> private IP on OpenSIPs. Is that because of the Route Header?

BYE sip:15125551234 at SIP/2.0.
Record-Route: <sip:;lr;ftag=BDA2FF96-481D6819>.
Route: <sip:;r2=on;lr;ftag=1c2145666146;did=fe6.729dae35>,

OpenSIPS receives the BYE, it see itself in the first Route (so we are
doing loose route) and since it's itlesft if delete it and looks for
the next Route that is:

> So this seriously looks like a proivder problem not adhering to standards?


> Is there anythign I can do on my side to make it play nice?
>  I'm not sure I can get this provider to change anything .

It's complex. You could try to add the sent Contact URI as a
Record-Route parameter so it should get back untouched (but in a Route
header). Then you can replace the RURI adress with that URI.

But it's dirty.... :(

Iñaki Baz Castillo
<ibc at aliax.net>

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