[OpenSIPS-Users] Absorbing retransmissions

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at aliax.net
Sat Oct 11 15:38:49 CEST 2008

El Sábado, 11 de Octubre de 2008, Alex Massover escribió:
> Hi!
> Thanks! It really looks better. You wrote: " if retransmission, the
> function will send the last reply sent automatically and break the script."
> If I understand correctly in order for this to work I need to move all my
> other sl_send_reply("4xx") to t_reply("4xx") also? So it will be able to
> send not only 100, but all negative replies also?

That's true, if you have already created the transaction you must send replies  
statefully, this is, using "t_reply".

But note here that this is a matter of efficience:
If you create a transaction and finally you reply 4XX you are wasting system 
resources, this is the reason RFC 3261 suggest to never create a transaction 
after authentication has been checked.

But in your case, if the authentication process is slow it could be a need to 
create the transaction before performing the authentication, but maybe you 
could do it more efficience by doing:

route[0] {

	# If there is no Proxy-Authorization header terminate the request statessly:
	if ! $hdr(Proxy-Authorization)
        	{ sl_reply(“407, "Proxy Authentication Required”); }		
        	{ t_reply(“403”); }


Iñaki Baz Castillo

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