[OpenSIPS-Users] presentity with ampersand in the uri

Sigrid Thijs sigrid.thijs at androme.com
Wed Dec 10 16:57:10 CET 2008


we're using OpenSIPS version 1.4.2 with the presence module, and we have 
a problem when the presentity uri in the presence description contains 
an ampersand (&).
The presence description that is stored in the presentity table looks 
like this:

   entity="sip:b&w_1228920594$comm.net at mydomain.com">
   <tuple id="2963593521">

When opensips tries to send a NOTIFY with this presence description, the 
following error occurs:

Dec 10 16:29:09 [17215] DBG:presence_xml:pres_agg_nbody: 
[user]=b&w_1228920594$comm.net  [domain]= mydomain.com
Entity: line 7: parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
   entity="sip:b&w_1228920594$comm.net at mydomain.com">
Dec 10 16:29:09 [17215] ERROR:presence_xml:agregate_xmls: while parsing 
xml body message
Dec 10 16:29:09 [17215] ERROR:presence_xml:pres_agg_nbody: while 
aggregating body
Dec 10 16:29:09 [17215] DBG:presence:send_notify_request: Could not get 
the notify_body

It seems there is trouble with the '$' character, but when the 
presentity uri is something like 'foo_1228923243$comm.net at mydomain.com' 
this problem does not occur (and the NOTIFY requests contain the 
presence  description). It only happens when there is an ampersand (&) 
in the presentity uri.

kind regards,


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