[OpenSIPS-Users] [OpenSIPS-Devel] Planning next release - Roadmap

Iñaki Baz Castillo ibc at in.ilimit.es
Tue Aug 26 17:34:56 CEST 2008

El Tuesday 26 August 2008 17:29:09 David Villasmil escribió:
> Isn't it a lot easier (for instance) using a new field the dialog table to
> store the last CSeq and getting it from there before sending +1?
> just a question

No, read again my mail about the issues when forking and one of the branches 
requires PRACK. This would change the local CSeq for just *that* early-dialog 
in the UAC.

So if the proxy wants to manage/change the CSeq it must be capable of handling 
each early-dialog independently, and OpenSIPS doesn't allow that since, as 
Ovidiu said, it associates a dialog to a client transaction in the proxy.

Iñaki Baz Castillo
ibc at in.ilimit.es

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