[OpenSIPS-Devel] [OpenSIPS/opensips] 70180f: Mark several script vars as obsolete.

Bogdan Andrei IANCU noreply at github.com
Wed Apr 22 20:45:36 EST 2020

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips
  Commit: 70180f16bb303b80612fcb34ecbc70ad63f4725b
  Author: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org>
  Date:   2020-04-22 (Wed, 22 Apr 2020)

  Changed paths:
    M pvar.c

  Log Message:
  Mark several script vars as obsolete.

$Ri to be replaced by $socket_in(ip)
$Rp to be replaced by $socket_in(port)
$pr/$proto to be replaced by $socket_in(proto)
$fs to be replaced by $socket_out

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