[OpenSIPS-Devel] [OpenSIPS/opensips] 8ced9b: [proto_hep] fix handling tcp requests coming in mu...
ionutionita at opensips.org
Thu Apr 27 08:39:42 EDT 2017
Branch: refs/heads/2.3
Home: https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips
Commit: 8ced9b8af0adafe65383dcb7ef9a0c5856bc0d68
Author: ionutrazvanionita <ionutionita at opensips.org>
Date: 2017-04-27 (Thu, 27 Apr 2017)
Changed paths:
M modules/proto_hep/proto_hep.c
Log Message:
[proto_hep] fix handling tcp requests coming in multiple chunks
This commit fixes 2 bugs:
1) fixes not reading second part of a single TCP request
because of bad parsed pointer update;
2) fixes major bug that was causing packets to be processed
infinite times by hep callback when one message + some part of a
second message came in a chunk and in the second chunk it was the
second part of the second message; the tcp request structure was
not updated(complete was not set to 0 after first message was
processed) causing the second message to be processed an infinte amount
of times into the database;
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