[OpenSIPS-Devel] [OpenSIPS/opensips] d1e974: Revert commit d6cbbff

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu bogdan at opensips.org
Thu Mar 31 10:54:57 CEST 2016

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips
  Commit: d1e97436748557eba87a96553547c9137a2c8cfa
  Author: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bogdan at opensips.org>
  Date:   2016-03-31 (Thu, 31 Mar 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M modules/dialplan/README
    M modules/dialplan/dialplan.c
    M modules/dialplan/doc/dialplan_admin.xml

  Log Message:
  Revert commit d6cbbff

Do not automatically set db_url to the db_default_url as we have no idea if the default partition is gone be used. By forcing it we create some extra unwanted dependencies (like setting the version for the defaul table, even if not used).
Even if we break the backward compatibility, makes more sens to explicitly set the db_url if you use the default partition

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