[OpenSIPS-Devel] [opensips] Added pike mi command for unblocking IP addresses (#456)

Eric Tamme notifications at github.com
Thu Apr 9 16:02:35 CEST 2015

This came up when I was doing some rollout to production with pike module.  Some actual customers were getting pike blocked, and I wanted to unblock them.  Jarrod decided to code it up after we talked about it.

We ended up having to put an iptables rule in to drop the customer entirely, then remove it, then drop them, then remove it until we could get over the pike threshold.

I think pike_rm should be that literal - this is not a soft unblock, it is when you want to remove the ip in the pike tree.

If there was a "soft unblock" command, then I agree it would be better to reset counters etc.  But for the situation where traffic has been blocked that you do not want blocked - I want to remove the ip from the tree.

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