[OpenSIPS-Devel] [opensips] drouting: failed to work with nonSQL database (#173)

Ovidiu Sas notifications at github.com
Mon May 5 17:15:40 CEST 2014

Hmmm ... I think there were some changes made to the driver in the last few months that might have changed how the id/_id fields are handled.  Or maybe I was under the wrong impression when I wrote that statement :-|

Anyway, the point is that we want to have a unique field that identifies a record.
As it is now, this field is "id" for sql databases and "_id" for mongo.
If the admin/operator would add an "id" field to the mongo db, then the operator would be responsible for populating the field and ensuring the field uniqueness (and this is what I would like to skip).
That's why I would like to see the the name of the id column to be parametrable.

Same thing would apply to the silo module, but there the table is populated by the module.
If we add an id field - for mongo db, that field will not be populated by the silo module and this will break functionality.
If we make the id column to be _id - via module param, then it should work automatically - assuming that we update the module to handle both int and strings (just like drouting).

We should aim to fix this only in the dev version and leave 1.11 as it is now. What do you think?

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