[OpenSIPS-Devel] [opensips] Dialplan Features/Patch merge (#271)

Parantido De Rica notifications at github.com
Thu Jul 17 11:43:10 CEST 2014

You can merge this Pull Request by running:

  git pull https://github.com/OpenSIPS/opensips master

Or you can view, comment on it, or merge it online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Merge pull request #182 from fabriziopicconi/patch-12
  * Update centos spec file: fixed b2b submodule and removed some odd files from main module
  * sipmsgops: Fix trailing whitespaces when doing "codec_delete_re"
  * Update CentOS and RHEL/Fedora specs: fixed b2b submodule, added additional dependencies
  * mi: declare/move MI_DATE_BUF_LEN into the mi headers
  * httpd: fix compiler warning
  * core: list_tcp_conns: print Timeout attr in human readable format
  * presence: subs_phtable_list - print expires attr in human readable format
  * hp malloc: fix the hash size macros
  * hp malloc: reduce the built-in maximum split factor
  * core: list_tcp_conns: compute properly the tmeout attr
  * pi_http: update pi_framework_mod.xsl to generate new pi_http samples
  * pi_http: samples regenerated
  * pi_http: fix html output
  * pi_http: fix HTTP escaping
  * Fixed detection of the module functions used in script - we need to look also into the logical expressions (like IF and WHILE conditions)
  * Merge pull request #177 from wdoekes/wjd-fix_dialogaggr_bounds
  * dispatcher init: initialize the old_data pointer
  * hp malloc: fix shm statistics
  * hp malloc: reorder some initializing operations
  * call_center: fix some db schema errors
  * Fix recalculation of sending socket after local route
  * modules/rtpproxy-ng: added setid_avp module param
  * Remove unavailable pv_cache_get API
  * Fix missing int_str magic
  * rtpproxy-ng: increase the receive buffer size to 64k
  * Partitioning support for TCP data structures
  * (part of TCP partitioning commit 0497150)
  * tcp: prevent tcp connections from overflowing the partitions vector
  * rtpengine: rename from rtpproxy-ng
  * rtpengine: modernize interface, remove legacy interface
  * rtpengine: update docs
  * hp malloc statistics: fix incorrect stats when configuring split buckets
  * core statistics: export a initialization checking function
  * hp malloc: differentiate the pkg and shm statistics code
  * drouting doc: properly specify the source IP check of is_from_gw()
  * Added support for RFC 5031 urn:service type URIs
  * fixed acc to raise the proper event when using acc_evi_request()
  * mi_xmlrpc: fix crash when flushing complex MI trees as strings
  * opensipsctl: change trapping logging method
  * hp malloc: do not write the pattern file when "mem_warming" = 0
  * hp malloc: fix pkg max_real_used computation in hp_info()
  * hp malloc: properly release the hash lock on redundant shm_reallocs
  * Fix missing script function to control the agent login
  * Add topology_hiding() flag to also hide the callid for all requests/replies within a call
  * fix engage fixup function when called without any parameters
  * Complete documentation added for the Call Center module
  * Fix bug in fetching all values of a RADIUS AVP.
  * Spell checking :)
  * exec doc: update the OpenSIPS routes for each function
  * parser: increase the number of accepted URI unknown params from 5 -> 10
  * rtpproxy: fix rtpproxy_engage() pvar expansion
  * msilo dbschema: avoid setting a default value for the body field
  * thrift 0.9
  * remove id from version output, since it is no longer used
  * Makefile: add git revision in the tarballs
  * generate .gitrevision file if it does not exist
  * lump processing: correct the handling of DEL lumps with identical offsets
  * error.h: add a bug reporting function
  * lumps processing: a couple of performance optimizations
  * data_lump.h: explicitly warn about some broken logic
  * anchor_lump(): drop the redundant "len" parameter
  * acc: make sure we we don't write the same record twice
  * RPM spec: fixed x64_86 compilation problems, added some dependencies
  * RPM spec: corrected changelog section format
  * regenerate the TLS CA and default certificate
  * TLS README: correct spelling and grammar
  * rtpproxy: fix documentation typo
  * rtpproxy: fix another documentation typo
  * RPM spec: added dependencies for mysql and postgresql libs
  * Fix opensips-db_oracle library installation
  * Merge pull request #210 from fabriziopicconi/patch-6
  * Fixed creating tables for b2b and call_center modules
  * Fix passing the auth AVPs from server to client.
  * Merge pull request #130 from dsandras/ds-pua-dbupdate-fix
  * drouting: properly set pvar types when setting attribute values
  * Update Makefile
  * Merge pull request #202 from fabriziopicconi/patch-1
  * stun: fix possible memory corruption
  * core: address several advertised address related issues
  * core: fix compiler warning and a rare mem leak
  * script statement thresholds: ignore certain statements
  * Fixed using internal ID for DB updated operations.
  * ID "column" can be INT or STRING type.
  * Fixed the connection handling - some modules would want to run cachedb type ops in the mod init
  * When fetching a counter, do not accidentally create it in case it does not exist
  * PostgreSQL DB schema: remove bytea size because pgsql has no fixed size for this type of field
  * PostgreSQL DB schema: set for all serials maxvalue and cycle because sometimes serials may overflow
  * Merge pull request #221 from nikbyte/master
  * Postgres schema regenerated
  * When fetching a counter, do not accidentally create it in case it does not exist
  * db_unixodbc: deallocate the results only after they are processed
  * Fixed bogus test on memory allocation.
  * Fixed examples in docs (uac versus uac_auth)
  * db_text: properly initialize memory when caching tables
  * scripts: fix gdb detection for opensipsctl
  * Fix reusage of proxy_l structures.
  * Fix DB_BIGINT support and unused vars.
  * call_center: properly register B2B callbacks
  * call_center: add column info when loading calls from db
  * call_center: add last_call_end column
  * call_center: add cc_calls table
  * call_center: fix default scenario readme
  * b2b_logic: do not call the DESTROY callback at shutdown
  * call_center: initialize ret variable
  * b2b: restore callbacks mask after reload
  * Support for json-c ; Fixed compile warnings
  * Fixed compile warnings
  * utils: ignore db_berkeley versioning
  * event_rabbitmq: replace exchange with routing_key
  * Fix the structure of MI tree (output).
  * When loading new dialogs at runtime ( either via dlg_db_sync or via the bin interface ), also run the load callback ( eg. used by the acc module to write proper CDRs )
  * fix previous commit to organize dlg_list_ctx as array too
  * mi_json: complete rework of the module
  * acc: register dialog loaded callbacks after flags init
  * core: fix mem statistics when DBG_QM_MALLOC is on
  * tcp_no_new_conn_bflag: fix incorrect behaviour when using integer flags
  * cachedb core: properly free raw query results
  * tls: allow free(NULL) with DBG_QM_MALLOC enabled
  * Fix calculating len of params in nameaddr trans.
  * call_center: cc_handle_call() accept strings
  * Clone in shm requests with all headers parsed.
  * Reduce log level for script ops. Better err logging
  * Do not do unnecessary parsing of the SIP msg on the out side, in case it doesn't belong to a callid topo hiding dialog
  * Update the length of the prefix and seed for callid topo hiding after cfg parsing
  * Full rework of the module
  * dialog: prevent double free in case of errors
  * Fixed output redirect for "which"
  * s/interger/integer/
  * s/sever=/server=/
  * s/writting/writing/
  * Fix a few spacing issues and a few more typo's.
  * Merge pull request #232 from wdoekes/wjd-misc_typos
  * QM_MALLOC: add a new MI memory scanning function
  * QM_MALLOC: proper fragment debugging patterns for x86_64
  * change #if to #ifdef in commit 008593a3
  * dispatcher: add priority column
  * dispatcher: fix possible bogus gateways
  * dialplan: return "404 No translation" for failed MI dp_translate command
  * dialplan: dp_translate(): accept "id" param as STR PVAR
  * Fixed setting the pinging flags at start.
  * Added support for external body in MSILO.
  * core: improve CPU usage of the TCP_MAIN process
  * flatstore: escape delimiter
  * drouting: document the "persistent_state" parameter
  * Makefile: by default, join free fragments
  * Revert "Makefile: by default, join free fragments"
  * Removed QM_JOIN_FREE defines
  * uac_registrant: add some sanity checks during module init
  * uac_registrant: add some sanity checks during db record(s) loading
  * uac_registrant: print an error if registrar imposed expires to small
  * uac_registrant: documentation updates
  * lb: mark resources as array
  * rtpproxy: restructure rtpproxy_mi show command
  * Fixed missing \n in log messages.
  * Fix nameaddr.params if last param has no value.
  * Fix ds_list MI command output.
  * statistics: fixed MI get_statistics command to cope with mi_json
  * Fixed autobridging in combination with TopoHiding.
  * core: Fix uninitialized number of interface listeners
  * core statistics: revert to safe allocations
  * event_rabbitmq: proper error reporting when msg sending fails
  * Just code beautification
  * Fixed dbschema doc to point to right modules doc
  * Fixed handling of REJECT return code.
  * Proper checking of callid length
  * Removed obsolete file.
  * makefile: Move checks around for documentation dependencies.
  * Merge pull request #248 from wdoekes/wjd-warn-if-no-docbook
  * Merge branch 'rtpproxy-ng' of https://github.com/lemenkov/opensips into lemenkov-rtpproxy-ng
  * Fixed dangling spec structure in pv_parse_spec().
  * Full migration from RTPPROXY to RTPENGINE naming.
  * Add proper licensing header to all files.
  * Merge branch 'lemenkov-rtpproxy-ng'
  * dialog: fix $DLG_timeout printing
  * restructure MI output to align to mi_json structure
  * Fix docs - replace "flags_col" with "state_col".
  * Readme re-generated
  * rabbitmq provides failure reason starting from v0.4.0
  * Replace FLAGS with STATE columns in dispatcher
  * Replace "flags" with "state" in the ds_list output
  * provide more MI details about the gws state
  * update drouting documentation
  * remove extra char in state's printing
  * Merge pull request #252 from ionutrazvanionita/master
  * Add exchange support for rabbitmq
  * Merge branch 'rabbitmq-exchange'
  * Update documentation for event_rabbitmq.
  * Fix typo in the doc examples
  * Split fromip and toip columns
  * Fixed typo in siptrace's readme
  * Fixed formulation in siptrace's readme
  * Merge pull request #253 from andrei-datcu/master
  * Yet another typo in siptrace's readme
  * Merge pull request #254 from andrei-datcu/master
  * fixed auth README typo
  * Fixed empty tree bug
  * Fix moving the AVP list from UAS to UAC in B2B.
  * Add missing UPDATE method in rules.
  * Fix bogus trailing dot char in SQL syntax.
  * doc: Fix typo's. Always regenerate all docs.
  * doc/dialog: Remove double quotes from $dlg_val examples.
  * Merge branch 'wdoekes-wjd-misc_typos'
  * Partitions for dispatcher module
  * event_rabbitmq: allow cross-compile
  * event_rabbitmq: properly reconnect after closing a connection
  * event_rabbitmq: destroy socket for older AMQP versions
  * Update cachedb_redis_utils.c
  * change default prefix to /usr/local
  * [Dispatcher] fixed db_url checking
  * Allow variables to be assigned variables containing NULL values
  * Fix fetching cseq number for replies.
  * Add "set ID" param to "rtpproxy_enable" MI.
  * Fixed JSON fetching of array string fields
  * Update dbschema for siptrace table version.
  * Add index on the pua table for peformance reasons.
  * allow opensipsdbctl to run from a different folder
  * Merge pull request #260 from jalung/patch-1
  * script_helper: minor logging improvements
  * ratelimit: Allow FAILURE_ROUTE instead of duplicate LOCAL_ROUTE
  * Added detection for the version of libjson used in the system
  * Merge pull request #262 from zytron/ratelimit_failure_route
  * replace deprecated json_object_object_get() function
  * make: Let `make modules-readme modules=aaa_radius` work again.
  * Merge pull request #263 from wdoekes/wjd-unbreak_modules_readme
  * Fixed blacklists and updated documentation
  * add module variable to simplify single module compile
  * add LM_BUG alias to report_programming_bug
  * [Dispatcher] tm's request within callback correctly free param
  * event_route: properly backup the event's name
  * rw_locking local label for each macro
  * [Dispatcher] Fixed three memory leaks
  * config files and templates: fix deprecation warnings
  * Makefile: add extra_objs while opensips linking
  * flags.c: drop empty-string flags
  * Update osipsconsole
  * Merge pull request #265 from jalung/patch-2
  * Improved fixups. Tokenizing partition_name:set_id is now faster
  * No more empty sets in the cached data. mi_reload per partition now possible
  * Fix broken dlg_val assigment when value is NULL.
  * sipcapture: fix startup crash with undefined db_url
  * perl: ignore auto-generated C file
  * acc: fix startup crash with empty db_url
  * pi_http: fix compiler warning
  * Fixed linkning new set in list and deleting set on error
  * correct several typos
  * [Dispatcher]Fixed typos into documentation
  * Fix bogus README example.
  * acc: trigger the proper event when doing old-style accounting
  * Merge pull request #269 from andrei-datcu/master

-- File Changes --

    A .gitignore (34)
    M CREDITS (54)
    M ChangeLog (3848)
    M Makefile (221)
    R Makefile.conf.template (22)
    M Makefile.defs (64)
    M Makefile.modules (3)
    M Makefile.rules (25)
    M NEWS (4)
    M aaa/aaa.c (6)
    M aaa/aaa.h (10)
    M aaa/aaa_avp.h (4)
    M action.c (364)
    M action.h (13)
    M atomic.h (113)
    A bin_interface.c (453)
    A bin_interface.h (150)
    M blacklists.c (4)
    M cachedb/cachedb.c (77)
    M cachedb/cachedb.h (30)
    M cachedb/cachedb_cap.h (2)
    M cachedb/cachedb_id.c (16)
    M cachedb/cachedb_id.h (3)
    M cachedb/cachedb_pool.c (31)
    M cachedb/cachedb_pool.h (1)
    M cachedb/example/example_cachedb.c (2)
    M cfg.lex (48)
    M cfg.y (418)
    M config.h (21)
    M core_stats.c (14)
    M core_stats.h (2)
    M crc.c (10)
    M daemonize.c (98)
    M daemonize.h (4)
    M data_lump.c (97)
    M data_lump.h (20)
    M data_lump_rpl.c (4)
    M data_lump_rpl.h (4)
    M db/db.c (12)
    M db/db.h (40)
    M db/db_cap.h (6)
    M db/db_con.h (8)
    M db/db_id.c (12)
    M db/db_id.h (8)
    M db/db_insertq.c (44)
    M db/db_insertq.h (10)
    M db/db_key.h (8)
    M db/db_op.h (8)
    M db/db_pool.c (6)
    M db/db_pool.h (8)
    M db/db_ps.h (4)
    M db/db_query.c (24)
    M db/db_query.h (6)
    M db/db_res.c (8)
    M db/db_res.h (10)
    M db/db_row.c (8)
    M db/db_row.h (8)
    M db/db_ut.c (24)
    M db/db_ut.h (4)
    M db/db_val.h (8)
    M db/example/dbexample.c (26)
    M db/schema/Makefile (24)
    A db/schema/b2b_sca.xml (511)
    M db/schema/cachedb_sql.xml (3)
    M db/schema/carrierfailureroute.xml (2)
    M db/schema/carrierroute.xml (2)
    A db/schema/cc_agents.xml (92)
    A db/schema/cc_calls.xml (137)
    A db/schema/cc_cdrs.xml (142)
    A db/schema/cc_flows.xml (101)
    M db/schema/dialog.xml (8)
    M db/schema/dispatcher.xml (16)
    M db/schema/dr_carriers.xml (11)
    M db/schema/dr_gateways.xml (22)
    M db/schema/entities.xml (2)
    M db/schema/location.xml (20)
    A db/schema/opensips-b2b_sca.xml (12)
    A db/schema/opensips-call_center.xml (16)
    M db/schema/pr_pua.xml (29)
    M db/schema/silo.xml (6)
    M db/schema/sip_trace.xml (36)
    M doc/dbschema/bookinfo.xml (2)
    M doc/dbschema/xsl/dbtext.xsl (6)
    M doc/dbschema/xsl/pi_framework_mod.xsl (96)
    M doc/dbschema/xsl/postgres.xsl (28)
    M doc/entities.xml (5)
    M dprint.c (8)
    M dprint.h (6)
    M dset.c (14)
    M dset.h (12)
    M errinfo.c (4)
    M errinfo.h (4)
    M error.c (10)
    M error.h (11)
    M etc/opensips.cfg (101)
    M etc/tls/README (22)
    M etc/tls/rootCA/cacert.pem (40)
    M etc/tls/rootCA/certs/01.pem (82)
    M etc/tls/rootCA/index.txt (2)
    M etc/tls/rootCA/private/cakey.pem (60)
    M etc/tls/user/user-calist.pem (40)
    M etc/tls/user/user-cert.pem (82)
    M etc/tls/user/user-cert_req.pem (14)
    M etc/tls/user/user-privkey.pem (19)
    M evi/event_interface.c (19)
    M evi/event_interface.h (2)
    M evi/evi_modules.h (6)
    M evi/evi_transport.c (6)
    M evi/evi_transport.h (2)
    M examples/httpd.cfg (1)
    M fastlock.h (28)
    M flags.c (77)
    M flags.h (39)
    M forward.c (45)
    M forward.h (40)
    M futex_lock.h (12)
    M globals.h (17)
    M hash_func.h (4)
    M help_msg.h (7)
    M io_wait.c (60)
    M io_wait.h (331)
    M ip_addr.c (12)
    M ip_addr.h (40)
    M lock_alloc.h (6)
    M lock_ops.h (30)
    M locking.h (8)
    M lump_struct.h (16)
    M main.c (243)
    M map.c (18)
    M map.h (8)
    M md5utils.c (6)
    M md5utils.h (6)
    M mem/f_malloc.c (91)
    M mem/f_malloc.h (14)
    A mem/hp_malloc.c (1091)
    A mem/hp_malloc.h (213)
    A mem/hp_malloc_stats.c (228)
    A mem/hp_malloc_stats.h (119)
    M mem/mem.c (12)
    M mem/mem.h (22)
    M mem/meminfo.h (8)
    M mem/memtest.c (8)
    M mem/q_malloc.c (136)
    M mem/q_malloc.h (22)
    M mem/shm_mem.c (176)
    M mem/shm_mem.h (184)
    M mem/vq_malloc.c (78)
    M mem/vq_malloc.h (14)
    M menuconfig/Makefile (2)
    M menuconfig/cfg.c (4)
    M menuconfig/cfg.h (4)
    M menuconfig/commands.c (48)
    M menuconfig/commands.h (4)
    M menuconfig/configs/opensips_loadbalancer.m4 (20)
    M menuconfig/configs/opensips_loadbalancer_def.m4 (2)
    M menuconfig/configs/opensips_residential.m4 (77)
    M menuconfig/configs/opensips_residential_def.m4 (2)
    M menuconfig/configs/opensips_trunking.m4 (24)
    M menuconfig/configs/opensips_trunking_def.m4 (2)
    M menuconfig/curses.c (32)
    M menuconfig/curses.h (6)
    M menuconfig/items.c (4)
    M menuconfig/items.h (4)
    M menuconfig/main.c (14)
    M menuconfig/main.h (7)
    M menuconfig/menus.c (18)
    M menuconfig/menus.h (6)
    M menuconfig/parser.c (61)
    M menuconfig/parser.h (4)
    M mi/attr.c (4)
    M mi/attr.h (2)
    M mi/fmt.c (2)
    M mi/fmt.h (2)
    M mi/mi.c (8)
    M mi/mi.h (4)
    M mi/mi_core.c (30)
    M mi/mi_core.h (2)
    M mi/tree.c (6)
    M mi/tree.h (7)
    M mod_fix.c (95)
    M mod_fix.h (13)
    M modparam.c (68)
    M modparam.h (4)
    M modules/aaa_radius/README (50)
    M modules/aaa_radius/aaa_radius.c (30)
    M modules/aaa_radius/doc/aaa_radius_admin.xml (30)
    M modules/aaa_radius/rad.c (6)
    M modules/acc/README (9)
    M modules/acc/acc.c (39)
    M modules/acc/acc.h (8)
    M modules/acc/acc_extra.c (29)
    M modules/acc/acc_logic.c (57)
    M modules/acc/acc_logic.h (1)
    M modules/acc/acc_mod.c (77)
    M modules/acc/diam_avp.c (12)
    M modules/acc/diam_dict.h (4)
    M modules/acc/diam_message.c (6)
    M modules/acc/diam_message.h (10)
    M modules/acc/diam_tcp.c (54)
    M modules/acc/diam_tcp.h (6)
    M modules/acc/doc/acc_admin.xml (2)
    M modules/alias_db/README (2)
    M modules/alias_db/alias_db.c (6)
    M modules/alias_db/alias_db.h (6)
    M modules/alias_db/alookup.c (28)
    M modules/alias_db/alookup.h (6)
    M modules/auth/README (9)
    M modules/auth/api.c (18)
    M modules/auth/api.h (8)
    M modules/auth/auth_mod.c (26)
    M modules/auth/auth_mod.h (4)
    M modules/auth/challenge.c (20)
    M modules/auth/challenge.h (6)
    M modules/auth/common.c (14)
    M modules/auth/common.h (6)
    M modules/auth/doc/auth_admin.xml (6)
    M modules/auth/index.c (8)
    M modules/auth/index.h (4)
    M modules/auth/nonce.c (18)
    M modules/auth/nonce.h (4)
    M modules/auth/rfc2617.c (20)
    M modules/auth/rfc2617.h (8)
    M modules/auth/rpid.c (16)
    M modules/auth/rpid.h (4)
    M modules/auth_aaa/README (3)
    M modules/auth_aaa/authaaa_mod.c (14)
    M modules/auth_aaa/authaaa_mod.h (4)
    M modules/auth_aaa/authorize.c (14)
    M modules/auth_aaa/authorize.h (4)
    M modules/auth_aaa/sterman.c (14)
    M modules/auth_aaa/sterman.h (6)
    M modules/auth_db/README (5)
    M modules/auth_db/aaa_avps.h (2)
    M modules/auth_db/authdb_mod.c (8)
    M modules/auth_db/authdb_mod.h (4)
    M modules/auth_db/authorize.c (18)
    M modules/auth_db/authorize.h (4)
    M modules/auth_db/doc/auth_db_admin.xml (2)
    M modules/auth_diameter/README (3)
    M modules/auth_diameter/auth_diameter.c (50)
    M modules/auth_diameter/auth_diameter.h (14)
    M modules/auth_diameter/authorize.c (218)
    M modules/auth_diameter/authorize.h (20)
    M modules/auth_diameter/avp.c (10)
    M modules/auth_diameter/defs.h (8)
    M modules/auth_diameter/diameter_msg.h (8)
    M modules/auth_diameter/message.c (6)
    M modules/auth_diameter/tcp_comm.c (54)
    M modules/auth_diameter/tcp_comm.h (14)
    M modules/auth_diameter/user_in.c (68)
    M modules/avpops/README (28)
    M modules/avpops/avpops.c (88)
    M modules/avpops/avpops_db.c (8)
    M modules/avpops/avpops_impl.c (117)
    M modules/avpops/avpops_impl.h (4)
    M modules/avpops/avpops_parse.c (16)
    M modules/avpops/doc/avpops_admin.xml (29)
    M modules/b2b_entities/README (3)
    M modules/b2b_entities/b2b_common.h (4)
    M modules/b2b_entities/b2b_entities.c (56)
    M modules/b2b_entities/b2b_entities.h (4)
    M modules/b2b_entities/b2be_db.c (12)
    M modules/b2b_entities/b2be_db.h (4)
    M modules/b2b_entities/client.c (10)
    M modules/b2b_entities/client.h (4)
    M modules/b2b_entities/dlg.c (137)
    M modules/b2b_entities/dlg.h (7)
    M modules/b2b_entities/server.c (12)
    M modules/b2b_entities/server.h (4)
    M modules/b2b_logic/README (128)
    M modules/b2b_logic/b2b_load.h (8)
    M modules/b2b_logic/b2b_logic.c (58)
    M modules/b2b_logic/b2b_logic.h (8)
    M modules/b2b_logic/b2bl_db.c (6)
    M modules/b2b_logic/b2bl_db.h (4)
    M modules/b2b_logic/doc/b2b_logic_admin.xml (1)
    M modules/b2b_logic/logic.c (83)
    M modules/b2b_logic/pidf.c (4)
    M modules/b2b_logic/pidf.h (4)
    M modules/b2b_logic/records.c (35)
    M modules/b2b_logic/records.h (4)
    A modules/b2b_sca/.gitignore (3)
    A modules/b2b_sca/Makefile (10)
    A modules/b2b_sca/README (455)
    A modules/b2b_sca/b2b_sca.c (532)
    A modules/b2b_sca/doc/b2b_sca.xml (50)
    A modules/b2b_sca/doc/b2b_sca_admin.xml (518)
    A modules/b2b_sca/sca_db_handler.c (620)
    A modules/b2b_sca/sca_db_handler.h (118)
    A modules/b2b_sca/sca_logic.c (943)
    A modules/b2b_sca/sca_logic.h (52)
    A modules/b2b_sca/sca_records.c (573)
    A modules/b2b_sca/sca_records.h (116)
    M modules/benchmark/README (3)
    M modules/benchmark/benchmark.c (33)
    M modules/benchmark/benchmark.h (2)
    M modules/benchmark/benchmark_api.h (2)
    M modules/cachedb_cassandra/Makefile (10)
    M modules/cachedb_cassandra/README (15)
    M modules/cachedb_cassandra/cachedb_cassandra.c (5)
    M modules/cachedb_cassandra/cachedb_cassandra.h (0)

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