[OpenSIPS-Devel] [ opensips-Bugs-3531846 ] NATHELPER in multiple opensips setup
noreply at sourceforge.net
Fri Jul 6 19:05:38 CEST 2012
Bugs item #3531846, was opened at 2012-06-04 02:05
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by bogdan_iancu
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Category: modules
Group: 1.8.x
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Nick Altmann (nikbyte)
>Assigned to: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu (bogdan_iancu)
Summary: NATHELPER in multiple opensips setup
Initial Comment:
I have multiple balanced opensips setup. USRLOC module working in dbonly mode (db_mode=3),
Each node looks at the same location table in the database.
Client registered on one of nodes and this node's NATHELPER module should ping this client in case of NAT.
Because there are many nodes, every node looks at location table and starts ping this client.
Instead of one ping, client receives as many pings, as active nodes at this moment of time.
In such cases NATHELPER should filter clients and ping only clients registered on this node.
>Comment By: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu (bogdan_iancu)
Date: 2012-07-06 10:05
Hi Nick,
This is a typical example of misusage on the DB_ONLY mode - if DB is shared
and the only place to store data, the servers have no idea on "local"
versus "remote" registration.
On the other hand, things are a bit twisted - if you agree that a node has
to ping its local contacts (in order to keep NAT opened), then what is the
meaning of sharing the registration info (if only one node can actually use
it) ??
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