[OpenSIPS-Devel] SF.net SVN: opensips:[7571] trunk/modules/rls

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Tue Dec 21 19:58:41 CET 2010

Am 21.12.2010 18:05, schrieb Anca Vamanu:
> On 12/21/2010 06:22 PM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
>> Anca, I noticed (1.6.4) that RLS does not terminate back-end
>> subscriptions when the list subscription expires. Is there a reason
>> for hat or is it just not implemented?
> I guess the reason was that the backend subscription should expire also
> as the expires values is the same.

Except min_expires is set in pua module (README is wrong, default value 
is 300 and not 0) and larger than list subscription expiration.


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