[OpenSIPS-Devel] Mmissing one notification from server after unpulish.

Anca Vamanu anca at opensips.org
Wed Oct 14 23:47:08 CEST 2009


I can not figure out from the code where the problem is. Can you please 
help me debugging? I would be great if you could raise the debug level 
to 6 and send me the part in the trace corresponding to the processing 
of the two consecutive Publish messages sent at signing out and the 
corresponding Notify. You can send this to me privately.


Zhao, Lin 2. (NSN - CN/Beijing) wrote:
> Change the enclosed content to avoid exceeding limitation on size.
> <<2-PUBLISH.pcap>> <<2-NOTIFY.pcap>>
> Best Regards,
> Lin Zhao
> No. 14, Jiu Xian Qiao Road, Chaoyang Dist.
> Beijing 100016, P.R. China
> Tel  : (+86)-10-84358717
> E-mail: lin.2.zhao at nsn.com

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