[OpenSIPS-Devel] publish_cbparam possible mem-leak

Stanisław Pitucha viraptor at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 15:28:27 CEST 2009


I've found this allocation being left in the shm - this is just after
running for ~10 seconds, but same allocation repeats later on:

Memory status (shm):
qm_status (0xaff32000):
 heap size= 134217728
 used= 392, used+overhead=352444, free=133865284
 max used (+overhead)= 2317460
dumping all alloc'ed. fragments:
      0. N  address=0xaff6640c frag=0xaff663f4 size=4 used=1
            alloc'd from mem/shm_mem.c: shm_mem_init_mallocs(196)
        start check=f0f0f0f0, end check= c0c0c0c0, abcdefed
    2853. N  address=0xb015e1fc frag=0xb015e1e4 size=388 used=1
            alloc'd from send_publish.c: publish_cbparam(644)
        start check=f0f0f0f0, end check= c0c0c0c0, abcdefed

It's opensips 1.5.2 so the "send_publish.c: publish_cbparam(644)" line
should be:

  cb_param= (ua_pres_t*)shm_malloc(size);
   if(cb_param== NULL)

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