[OpenSIPS-Devel] R: R: call_control, dialog and BYE messages patch

Dan Pascu dan at ag-projects.com
Thu Apr 2 16:49:33 CEST 2009

On Thursday 02 April 2009, Mauro Davi' wrote:
> Hi All,
> a brief point of view. It's true, how Dan said, that the call_control
> module don't have all the information to know at the time that the
> dialogs are loaded from the database, to which of them it needs to
> attach the callbacks.
> But it is also true, that if I attach the callback to all the dialog,
> when the call_control module will receive a stop message, it simply can
> discard it responding with a "NOT FOUND" message from the rating
> engine.

It won't go that far. The external callcontrol application will reply 
directly as it doesn't have the session.

> I know that with a lot of call, not handled by the call control module,
> this isn't the best way but I think that, for me, is better to have the
> stop message on the call control module.

It's not that bad as one may think. This only happens after a restart, 
until all the dialogs present on restart are ended. After that it enters 
in the normal mode of operation. Unless you restart a lot and have a lot 
of dialogs active during those moments (which is unlikely as I don't 
expect people to restart servers during peak loads), it won't overload it 
too much. Also considering that normally you go to the external call 
control application for every INVITE, be it limited or not, but when the 
dialog ends only for those under call control, it doesn't seem that much 
to call the external application for every ended dialog after a restart 
and do this only for the dialogs present during a restart. So I guess 
it's a perfectly acceptable compromise until the dialog can store 
additional information from modules.

Thanks, for the patch. I'll look into applying it. I guess we can do this 
for mediaproxy as well.


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