[OpenSIPS-Devel] RFC: new opensips design

Stefan Sayer stefan.sayer at iptego.com
Fri Nov 7 17:10:18 CET 2008

o Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [11/07/08 16:46]:
> So, i the same amount of time, you use all the time for computing 
> instead of idle I/O and you can process more traffic.
i doubt you can process more traffic - but you can use all your 
threads/processes efficiently, and do neither have to create too many 
threads, not have all threads blocked, e.g. on some DOS attacks.


Stefan Sayer
VoIP Services

stefan.sayer at iptego.com

Am Borsigturm 40
13507 Berlin

Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, HRB 101010
Geschaeftsfuehrer: Alexander Hoffmann

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