[OpenSIPS-Business] New Opportunities

Kory Ferbet kory at imatch.com
Thu Sep 15 23:29:00 CEST 2011



My name is Kory and I'm a recruiter with iMatch Technical Services in Seattle. I am currently working with a client here in Seattle that is looking for a developer that has experience in speech recognition software as well as experience in telephony solutions. I have found that finding developers with experience in these two areas is much more daunting a task than originally planned. 


I was hoping to gain a few things out of this listserve. I was hoping that someone would be able to help me out by letting me know of any companies that would be a good place to look for these developers, a common group or area that  would be a good place to look for these developers, and of course if any of you may know of someone who would be a good fit for these roles. 


I attached the job description that I am working off of. I know you are busy and it's because of that, that I truly appreciate any and all help that anyone is able to give. 

Thank you for your time.




Kory Ferbet | Technical Recruiter | iMatch Technical Services | kory at imatch.com |206.262.1661x106| 

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